The 11 Most Common Mistakes of Public Speaking

The 11 Most Common Mistakes of Public Speaking
View the video series on YouTube

If you have been involved with speaking with a group of two or more people at any point in time in your life, you have done a form of public speaking. Speaking is the most widely consciously used channel of communication between people. It should be a lifelong goal for every single one of us on the planet to continuously get better at speaking in public.

It has been estimated that business professionals who are competent at public speaking make on average 30% more than their counterparts who are not as good.

From my years of experience in public speaking, below are what I have identified as the 11 most common mistakes of public speaking:

  1. Not enough deliberate preparation
  2. Surrendering to fear
  3. Using too much verbal garbage
  4. Lack of passion
  5. Uncontrolled movements
  6. Unclear speech structure
  7. Using too much or too little information
  8. Closing without a call to action
  9. Not creating an emotional connection with your audience
  10. Unskilled time management
  11. Taking yourself too seriously

To learn more about the 11 mistakes above and listen to my recommendations on how to avoid them, checkout my YouTube video series on the subject: Follow this link for the playlist: or visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, 365 Days of Public Speaking: