Celebrating 50 Original Posts!!!

HOORAY – used to express joy, approval, or encouragement. I just looked at my WordPress dashboard and the count of…

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The 3 real reasons why people stay with Toastmasters clubs

Have you ever observed people involved into doing something and being very passionate and engaged in that endeavour? Haven’t you…

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Are you stretching or stressing?

With incredibly easy access to information and the wealth of knowledge available from books and other media, it is possible…

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Don’t make these three mistakes when speaking in public

If you are reading this post because the title appealed to you, then the advice I read from copyblogger.net about…

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Learning from Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Work Week) on Mastering Any Skill

Success has a way of packaging itself in a way that you only experience it when you have accepted failure…

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