The Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar Review

Within the course of a lifetime, the average adult in America will earn about $2,000,000 dollars. Which means most people…

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Three Traits of a Winner – Hommage to Daniyar Seisenov

In the course of our lifetimes, we come in contact with hundreds if not thousands of people, many of them…

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Conquering your fears

Let’s face it, we all have at least one thing that scares the heck out of us but in reality,…

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Brian Adam’s Speaker’s Bootcamp and Orange County Speakers University

Becoming a great speaker takes a lot of practice. Practicing with people who can give you candid feedback and help…

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Make being on time a habit, and don’t break it

Human beings are creatures of habit. Everything we do from morning to evening follows a pattern that is either being…

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